Sunday 15 March 2020

Tiny Rick's Cafe

Went to Tiny Rick's Cafe with Holly this afternoon which is a cereal and board game cafe. We've been meaning to visit for a long time and finally did!

You can choose whatever cereal you want that they have on offer and have different sized bowls which are priced differently. You can have individual bowls, or have a mix. You can have extra toppings on top like chocolate, marshmallows etc. They do milkshakes. They even have a challenge where if you can eat 12 bowls of their standard house cereals in an hour you get them for free. If you can't complete the challenge each bowl will cost you £1. We seen a 14 year old try it (he said when he finished the 6th bowl that he was giving up and asked was that the furthest a 14 year old has got). Me and Holly think we could do the challenge either before or after a gym session. Definitely after a long run I could do it.

At the top of the leader board is "Kyle v food" who did it in 20 minutes, "Beard Meats Food" 40 minutes and "Ed McIntyre" 58 minutes. I think I'd probably take the full hour.

We both chose the American cereals because it's pointless trying cereals we can get in the supermarket any time. 

I opted for the 3 separate bowls which was £5. 

I tried Nutter Butter - Peanut butter cereal (the one on the left), Churros - cinnamon churros (look like churros) and Honey Buns - which were also meant to be cinnamon, but were't that cinnamon unlike the churros.

The honey buns were my least favourite and wish I tried Vanilla Chex I think I would have liked them more.

Holly got the regular mix bowl that was £5.50 with almond milk.

She got Hershey's cookies and cream pillows, Twinkies and Peanut Butter Captain Crunch.
The Hershey's ones were nice but the Twinkies weren't great she wished she got something else.

We also tried a Smores Pop Tart. So much sugar.

It's £2 to play a game which you get an hour and the maximum you pay is £5. You get to choose your game and go through the rules then you go up and get your timer started. We spent an hour deciding what game to play as we didn't have a clue on how to play any of the games. Every game we picked up we read the instructions but still didn't have a clue what they meant. We needed someone to actually explain the games to us.

Holly said she'd played Takenoko before and knew how to play it then read the instructions and didn't have a clue so we gave up on that.

Then we tried Sushi Roll but didn't have a clue on that, another Sushi related game, Sonic the Hedgehog but nope had no idea. We managed 1 round of Stranger Things - Eggo but it lasted less than a minute as a I won so we gave up on that then played Feed Me which we were quite good at but there was 40 levels. We got through 20 levels before we got tired of playing it. Most of the games you need more than just 2 people to play. 

You pay at the end before you leave and we got charged for 2 hours when we only played Feed Me for an hour then spent the other trying to decide and learn a game. It was fun in there but I think it is more for people who know how to play board games which we don't. I'm definitely not good at card games, I just can't get my head around them and loads of the games are games we've never heard of which didn't help. We enjoyed our cereal even though we are definitely all sugared out now.

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