Sunday 26 May 2024

Matcha White Chocolate Cookies

Think I've finally mastered how to make the perfect cookies! Think the secret is Dark Muscovado sugar - the recipe says light brown sugar but this was the only sugar we had in so I just went for it and it worked!


125g Unsalted Butter, softened
(Take it out over night)
100g Dark Muscovado Sugar
100g Caster/White Sugar
1 Egg
1 Tsp Vanilla Extract
225g Self Raising Flour
½ Tsp Salt
1 Tbsp Matcha Powder
100g White Chocolate

What you need:

Mixing Bowl
2 Bowls
Wooden Spoon
Measuring Spoons
Electric Whisk
Flat Baking Trays
Baking Paper

Oven 180°C

Baking time 7-8 minutes


Make sure you take your butter out the night before so it's nice and soft and mix it with the 2 sugars with the wooden spoon first - as the Muscovado sugar is quite dry and lumpy stops it flying everywhere. Then when it partly mixed you can use your electric whisk until it turns pale and creamy. Use your wooden spoons to check the consistency.

In a little bowl beat your egg and vanilla with a fork.

Once they has been mixed you can pour it into your mixture and using your electric whisk, whisk until well mixed. Then use your wooden spoon again to check.

Then sift your flour, salt and matcha powder in and mix it together with your wooden spoon. Add the chocolate then use the electric whisk until well combined using the wooden spoon to check consistency.

Once your chocolate has been mixed in roll your dough into balls and place them onto your lined trays.

Bake in the oven for 7-8 minutes.

Leave them to cool on the tray for a minute or two then transfer onto a wire rack.

We'll see tomorrow whether they stay chewy.. But definitely a lot more like the cookies I've been trying to bake for years! Soft and chewy consistency.

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