Saturday 9 March 2013

It was acceptable in the 80's...

 It was acceptable at the time...

All things Vintage!

It turns out my mum had some really cool clothes in the past & that she was actually skinnier than what I am now! Which is hard to believe as I'm always asked how am I so skinny & that I need to eat more etc.

It's funny how fashion always repeats itself. You think something is new but it turns out it was in fashion like 20 years ago! I'm glad my mum is a bit of a hoarder & has saved all these beauties for me! I wouldn't be able to find all these in a vintage or charity shop! So if you have some old clothes now which are "out of fashion" I'd advise you to NOT throw them out as for all you know it'll be in again in like 10/20 years time!

Vintage black blazer with shoulder pads
Vintage Tapestry blazer with shoulder pads

High waisted vintage Lee Shorts. These were too big on the waist so I had them taken in on either side of the waist.

When my mum first showed me these I actually didn't want them & said they could go to the charity shop as they were too big & are quite baggy around the bum area but aren't that bad when they're folded up. I decided I did like them & want them, luckily my mum hadn't given them away & still had them & now they're my favourite pair or shorts I own  (own a lot of shorts, I'll save my shorts collection for another post) as they go with everything & anything! Bare legs or tights!

High waisted vintage shorts. I also had to get these taken in at the waist as they were too big!

I actually at first prefered these to the Lee shorts but I think I like them both equally as much but probably prefer the other!

High waisted vintage denim skirt. I actually haven't worn these out yet as I'm not a fan of how long it is so I've folded it up & quite like it. I want to cut it to this length but I'm too scared to as I change my mind a lot even though I really don't like how long it is! I might just sew it in case I ever do change my mind.

Vintage baggy dunagrees. These are massive around my waist as I have a tiny waist so I've not had a chance to wear them out & look a big strange when I put a belt to sinch it around the waist..

High waisted felt skirts. I've not worn either of these as I'm not a fan of them...

High waisted brown shorts. I think I've only worn these once or twice as I'm not really a fan of brown but I think I'll start wearing them more as I've found a good way to style them!

Vintage blouse with shoulder pads. I've worn this before in a previous post here

Vintage scarves

This a collection of all the vintage things my mum has given to me. As you can see I don't like all of the things & not had a chance to wear them all but I do love vintage things especially things with shoulder pads in! I love how fashion repeats it self so you don't always have to splash out & buy new things!
You should ask your mum/nan to see what they've managed to save from "back in their day" they might have some amazing gems which are fashionable now!


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