Wednesday 13 February 2019

10 miler

Ran 10 miles on Sunday morning. Back on track and following the plan sort of.. The past couple of weeks have been bit of a write off due to the weather. Only managed to do 5.5 miles the week it was snowy and icy. 

Last week was a bit better I did 6 miles on my own but so slow - I just don't seem to push myself and plod a long when I'm on my own just to get the miles in. When I'm with other people they drag me a long and I follow or I want to be ahead of them so will go faster. At the moment I'm not running for time anyway. I'm just running to get them miles in my legs. On the day I know under race conditions I will go a lot faster - don't know how much faster but I know I'll definitely pick up the speed!

I feel like I'm really not cut out for long distance running as I'm injured again! I've got a pain running down the front of my quad. Not actually sure what muscle it is just aches and hurts. I think it may be down to running on the treadmill the other week when I couldn't run outside I was running different as I'm used to running outdoors now? Who knows but at the moment running is bearable it just aches. My legs are just aching all over right now and I'll be happy if I never have to run again!

Every post I keep saying I can't wait for this marathon to be over so I can retire from running which is true as I have no desire to run another half, full or 10 miles. Probably not more than 10k if that.

Did 5km last Wednesday night.

Fast 5km tonight!

Hopefully back on track and no more weather issues!

My phone has updated to the new Android Pie and my GPS just isn't working properly so Strava and the Nike Running + app isn't clocking my runs. Anyone else on Android having this issue as it I had no issues before the update??

Also I did end up wining that competition with the zodiacs from Chinese New Year! Me and Jo have won a banquet for 2! So worth running round town for.

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