Friday 5 August 2016

Healthy Scones

New day new bake... 


I spent the morning/afternoon at my Gran's. I went to have lunch as she makes the best pasta & to bake scones. I feel like a scone right now writing this as I've lost count of how many I've eaten today! Working it all off tomorrow morning in insanity so it's all good.

I've posted this recipe before on the blog but here it is again a lot better..!

8oz / ½ lb / 227g - Self Raising Flour
2oz / 57g - Sugar
3oz / 85g - Margarine - soften at room temperature
2 Eggs
Sultanas (Up to you how much you want to put in)

1 tsp Vanilla extract (Gives it more flavour)
Desiccated Coconut

Pre-heat oven to 200°C 
Baking time 15 - 20 minutes

(Drop of milk to brush over the top)

Mix your flour & sugar

Mix your soften margarine into your flour & sugar using a fork

Once the margarine is all mixed in you can add your sultanas

Whisk 2 eggs in a bowl with a fork then pour into your dough. This would be a good time to add your vanilla extract if you choose to use it. We didn't put any in this time, but I would recommend as they taste better!

Once your egg is mixed in, it's time to get your hands dirty! Rub your hands with self raising flour & flour your work space & knead your dough.

It's up to you how thick you want to make them & what size cutter you use. We made pretty big ones. I would usually use baking paper but my Gran just floured a flat baking dish.
Once they're on the tray brush them with milk. 

Then bake for 15-20 minutes until they're golden

They tasted so good! Especially straight warm out of the oven. I've been doing really good in the gym & this week has been hard but I feel like it's just all been wasted with the past 2 days worth of baking! But as long as you have things in moderation it's all fine. You shouldn't be restricting yourself of things otherwise you'll end of craving them. As long as you're not going crazy & over eating. 

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