Sunday, 28 October 2018

Pumpkin Picking

Went pumpkin picking with Jo and Sarah today. Obviously after going to the gym this morning. We went to Church View Farm in Lydiate which is like a 25 minute drive. 

Jo practising on how to pick a pumpkin up at Morrison's before we went to the farm. This was £8. 

I don't think I realised till this year that you could actually go pumpkin picking in the UK. I always though it was an American thing as they love Halloween.

It wasn't quite what I was expecting I thought you had to like pull the pumpkins out yourself from the ground and not actually like placed there. As it's the last weekend till Halloween there was hardly any pumpkins left. The ones that were left were battered and mashed. As they'd ran out there was ones they had to bring in. There were 3 for £10.

Jo dropped Sarah...


The really orange ones weren't grown on the farm...

We all decided to wear Timberland boots...


Who needs a pumpkin this big?!

We had more fun pushing each other round in the wheelbarrow more than actually looking for a pumpkin...

We then went back to Jo's to carve our pumpkins!


I carved my first ever pumpkin!



Yep I carved my first ever pumpkin at 25... It was fun can't say it was anything I was missing out on like. I'm not really excited to have to do it again like but I'm glad to say I have carved one and didn't cause any damage or injury!

Had a fun day out! When Rich came back we went to the cinema to see Halloween. I didn't want to go as I hate scary films. I'm such a wimp I hate jumpy stuff like that spent most the film with my hands over my eyes and at one point I did nearly jump on Sarah. The film was rubbish, don't get how people enjoy films like that at all. I don't think I'm sleeping tonight and I've got work in the morning!

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