Sunday 20 January 2019

Tired legs

Run 43 - 8.5 miles this morning.

This morning's run was hard - legs were heavy and tired. Earphones broke so had to run with no music. Lucky it stopped running as we left as it was pouring down on our way to the gym!
I've pulled a muscle in my left shoulder on Monday night and that was hurting. You'd think pulling a muscle in my shoulder means I can run just can't train upper body.. Nope when you run you use your arms and shoulders to move. I kind of tense my shoulders as well when I run. I was given a tip to not have my arms so high up as it'll conserve energy so with an injured shoulder this is the perfect time to learn my new technique!

It was a complete contrast to last week's run when I felt amazing and was really happy with it. This week was the opposite but you get weeks like this, just have to push a little harder. I've still managed to clock them miles - 15.2 miles this week. Slowly building them up. At the moment no run is a bad run. Every run and mile counts. It's days like today when you just need to push a little harder and just keep at it and rest more.

I haven't ran since Thursday night and did take Friday off which was the first rest day since New Year's day. Maybe that Pizza Hut I had last Saturday did help - maybe pizza is the answer to doing long runs? 

Not going to run till probably Wednesday night now so that's 3 days so hopefully have a good run in me by then and my shoulder is better. Just annoying when things go well and I get injured but that's part of training you will get injured just have to be careful and push through it!

Went to Cheshire Oaks again but with my mum and dad yesterday. Bought 2 tops from Nike in the sale and some kids pjs from M&S for £5!
Finally got myself a pair of Adidas NMD's. They were £41.95 and I managed to get myself student discount so paid £37.75 for them which is a bargain as they were £160 I think originally. These are more fashion rather than the gym and training. Still got another 2 pairs I want on my list.. Nike Air Max 270 and Nike React Element 87. But the list goes on as new pairs come out all the time. I don't really have the space for them all but I can't help it!

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