Sunday 15 September 2019

The Crystal Maze Experience Manchester

I've just got back from The Crystal Maze Experience in Manchester. I went with Jo, Rich, Jacob, Sarah, Billy, Rich's cousin John Paul and his mate Kev. It was so good but it was hard!

These bomber jackets are £50 each to buy!

They end up taking a photo of you in jackets in the locker room!

I've never actually seen the show when it was on back in the 90s. You have a team of 8 with a team captain - Billy and a vice captain - Jo. Our team name was the Gym Kings. I knew it was different challenges but there are different types of challenge categories and zones. The different adventure zones are - Medieval, Industrial, Aztec and Futuristic. The different challenge categories were - skill, mental, physical and mysterious. The game host asks what challenge category you want to do then the team captain picks the person they think would be best at it. I did 2 mental ones - the first one was a work block one which I was so close just got the last letter wrong before time was up and then I had to make a cube out of different blocks like tetris which I just couldn't get my head around! It was hard and you didn't want to risk getting locked in so we'd get out before the time was fully up!

The other challenges included a ball pit, air hockey against a robot, getting an egg up a tree, maths related puzzles and more! Everyone did 2 challenges each.

The challenges were hard! Sadly the girls didn't win any crystals but the boys did. We won 8 crystals in total which meant we got 40 seconds in the dome at the end to collect as many of the tokens. In the tv show there's both silver and gold ones and you have to catch the gold as the silver lost you time but in this one they're all gold so you just have to catch as many as you can. Before we went in there was a leader board and the top score was 498. We got 152... Yeah we definitely needed more time to beat that! But they did say they have hardcore fans that go all the time so they must know how to do the puzzles and the answers to them to be able to win all the crystals.

We've all agreed we'd love to do it again hopefully win more crystals! It was such a fun day out Jo found it on group on so we got a good deal on it! Thanks guys!

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