Sunday 26 January 2020

Chinese New Year 2020

恭喜发财! 新年快乐!

Gung Hey Fat Choy! Happy Chinese New Year!

Family gathering at Nanny Wing's for Chinese New Year and Nanny Wing's birthday last night.

Birthday cake made by auntie Christine.

Tracy made a banana bread but didn't have enough time to cook it... She baked it for 30 minutes but it needed to be baked for 45 minutes so tried to do it in grandma's but once you take a cake out the oven that's it, it's game over it won't cook. She should have just brought it to grandma's to bake. So if you go on my Instagram story you will see the aftermath. As it looks cooked here but it wasn't. The middle wasn't cooked so we just had to eat the edges of it.

The next generation of Wing's! Grand kids and great grand kids.
Lucas and Ollie dying to cut the cakes with the knives you can see in their hands.

Didn't make it out into town this year as the weather wasn't great. Also due to the council being skint the celebrations are only happening for 1 day today - Sunday. Usually they have stuff all weekend and the days building up to it but with the cuts they couldn't afford to which I think is stupid because they definitely make money by having events like these?

Nothing will beat last year when me and Jo won the competition to get a selfie with all the zodiac animals. The weather was actually really nice last year as well. Cold but was sunny.

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