Friday 17 October 2014

Ginger Cake

I bought a really simple ginger cake mix from Aldi the other day. I don't like cake mixes as as I like to be able to control how much & know exactly what I'm putting into my cake but  I think it was only £1.49 & the instructions were simple so I thought why don't I just give it a go! I've never made ginger cake before. They had other mixes, a carrot cake one & can't remember what the other one they had. All you have to do is add 200ml of water & 60ml (4tbsp) vegetable oil to the 500g cake mix. You just put all the ingriendients into a bowl & whisk it for a couple of minutes with an electric whisk. Once it's a smooth batter you put it into a lined 2lb loaf tin & bake it for 50-60 minutes.

I really like this photo which was only taken with my phone (Nexus 4) think it's the best photo I've ever taken with it & I've had it since January! It's a little over baked, I baked it for 55 minutes but my mum was cooking bacon at the same time so kept opening & closing the oven door which you shouldn't do whilst baking a cake. You should only open the door when you're near the finishing time otherwise your cake can lose it's rise. 

It's really nice, very gingery. If you like ginger nut biscuits you'll like ginger cake as it tastes just like it but a soft version. It could have done with some nuts or something in it as it's a bit bland soft cake inside if you get me..

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