Thursday 9 October 2014

Panda! Go, Panda!

This is a bit of a throwback Thursday from a couple of weeks ago, last month to be more precise. Me & Holly went to Gabby's house to have a catch up movie night before she was off to Manchester for her last year of uni. 

Gabby was such a good hostess when we turned up at her house she'd laid the table out with snacks & had candles lit. We weren't expecting it at all! I knew she was going to cook us something cos I'd already asked her if she was going to be feeding us something other than pizza. But not a table full of snacks!

She made us veggie enchiladas with quorn. I've never had them before, so wasn't sure whether I'd like them as I don't really like cheese & can't eat spicy food but neither can Holly so Gabby didn't put too much spices in it just for us! It was really nice I'd definitely want to make it myself!

Gabby has a shih tzu puppy called Barney. He's so cute & looks like a mop! His hair's so long he has a bobble on the top of his head to keep it out of his eyes. He's a bit crazy weird he loves licking your legs! I had bare legs & he wouldn't stop licking me! Holly had pants that were rolled up with the tiniest bit of skin showing & he would stick lick her. He was also licking Gabby's feet & she had tights on!

We were meant to be having a Studio Ghibli night but only got round to watching one film called Panda! Go, Panda! It was the weirdest film we had ever seen. Like we think the people who wrote it were on definitely on drugs or something. It was about a little girl who was 6/7 sends her nan somewhere on the train & she lives in the house on her own. Whenever she was excited she'd do a handstand... Randomly one day a dad & baby panda turn up at her house & she decides to be the baby panda's mum. She takes over to be a like a house wife running round the house looking after both of them sending the dad to work & the baby to school. What we didn't understand was why the dad panda had a Jamaican accent? The whole film just didn't make sense like I can't even describe it you'll have to watch it. We were crying with laughter throughout!

It was a good night we definitely need to have more nights like that, good company with plenty of laughter!

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