Sunday 19 May 2019

1 Week

This time next week I will probably be having a nap and say I've finally ran a marathon... Things aren't looking great though I did my first run in 4 weeks on Wednesday to test the ankle. Did a flat 3 miles to test it and it was sore. I probably shouldn't have run but I can't not run for over 4 weeks then fly out and do 26.2 miles. I did 7 miles with Jo this morning and my ankle is really sore. It's going to be more of a mental battle than it should be to push myself through it. I'm going to take some ibuprofen befor hoping that eases the pain and my physio can strap me up good so I forget about the injury and just get through it. 

I was looking up the route this morning before we went for a run and was having a bit of breakdown like this time next week I'll be warming up and stretching for the race. I know it's only a run and to just do my best but it's a year's worth of pain and hard work for 1 day/hopefully a couple of hours for my biggest achievement. I'm hoping I do enjoy the day and it's going to definitely be the first and last time. 

If you've been following my updates it has been so so hard. I knew it was going to be hard but not as hard as it has been. The injury has definitely made it 10x worse but there's nothing I can do about it not just hope on the day it isn't as bad!

This next week will be spent getting a pep talk off everyone to get though it..

This is what the marathon plan looks like. A lot of red blocked out for the 4 weeks of non running and instead of doing 3 runs a week I ended up dropping it to 2 runs a week as we upped the miles. Even though I haven't been running for 4 weeks I have been keeping my cardio and fitness up by doing an hour 3/4x a week on the spin bike. The spin bikes are rubbish in my gym so I don't know how far I was doing but I was just getting a sweat on and getting myself out of breath.

Think I might do a 1 or 3 miles on either Tuesday or Wednesday as my last run this week and hopefully that's it I'll be ready for the big race. I don't think you can ever be ready for a marathon but I know it could have definitely gone a lot better than it has but there's nothing more I can do now apart from go mad and spend a load of money on some new gym stuff on the Under Armour website. I am suppose to be on a spending ban but this marathon is getting to me and I haven't bought any new gym stuff in a while so I think I deserve it!

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