Saturday 18 May 2019

Bongo's Bingo

Went to Bongo's Bingo with Sarah and met up with her work mates on Thursday night.
I've been once before last year with Holly for her sister's birthday. I didn't drink last time as I was in work the morning after but I did this time as I booked Friday off. Didn't want to drink before the marathon next week but I had the day off and as Sarah works at Camp and Furnace drinks were half price so I thought I'll have a couple. But I've said it many times before - drinking most definitely is not for me. I've decided I'm just not made for drinking liquids never mind alcohol. But definitely not alcohol. Sarah some how got me to do a shot of tequila and that was it - game over I couldn't drink no more after that.

We went into town and met up with mate from work Ryan and went for a drink at Wetherspoons. Then we walked down to Camp and Furnace as her table was only booked till 7.

Jonny Bongo, Horny Heidi (in red) and Slutty Sue 

Plenty more photos like this... What happens when Sarah leaves her phone on the table unattended with me.

Bongo's Bingo is definitely a crazy night out if you want it to be and an experience. It's good the first time you go but since I've been before I don't think it's that good when you go again as the format is exactly the same.

The prizes aren't that great like there wasn't anything I actually wanted to win. There were bottles of alcohol - Apple Sourz, Gin, a Henry Hoover, mobility scooter, space hopper, giant unicorn teddy, Philip Schofield cardboard cutout, Disney Princess doll set and I can't remember what the other prizes were but the last game for a full house was flights, accommodation and tickets to Bongo's Bingo in Ibiza. Definitely the best prize to win. 

They have a ticket raffle as well when you get your bingo book where you win actual cash money if you answer the question right on stage. Only 2/4 people won even though the questions weren't even hard and it was multiple choice. I would have got them right!

If you're from Liverpool you would have read all about Bongo's Bingo and Camp and Furnace having a fight over who created it as from August on wards they're not being hosted by Jonny Bongo. The night started off with Jonny Bongo doing a little speech about it and the last question for the raffle to win £1700 was "Who created Bongo's Bingo?" and the options were A) Camp and Furnace B) Pete Price C) Jonny Bongo D) Kev Seed
The answer was C) Jonny Bongo and the girl got it right and won the money. It's one of the weirdest fights that isn't going to end any time soon or nicely. 

So glad I booked the day off work yesterday as I was so tired even though I had a proper good lie in. That tequila fully killed me off - never again. Sarah got me another one and I was like nope no chance. When they were doing shots it was making me want to be sick. Considering I had a very unproductive day I did go the gym to sweat out the alcohol and try to keep my fitness up for the marathon next week. It's officially 8 days. Last run tomorrow and that's it I should be ready (?) for the big race!

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